Saturday, April 22, 2017

Leaving the Amazon River (MAR 14)

We are now back in the Northern Hemisphere.
Coming up the coast of Brazil, we passed over the Equator into the Northern Hemisphere before reaching the mouth of the Amazon River.  Going upriver we passed over the Equator into the Southern Hemisphere.  We crossed into the Northern Hemisphere a final time coming downriver.
Other than some pockets of civilization, some like Macapa quite large, all we saw today was ship traffic, the occasional small ferry hugging the shoreline and isolated dwellings at the edge of the forest.
At Macapa the river pilots disembarked.  VEENDAM still had hours to go before reaching open ocean, but the need for pilots had past.  Just downriver from Macapa were about 15 freighters at anchor awaiting their slot for picking up pilots and beginning the trip upriver. 

I use the plural of pilots because the constant need to have one on the ship’s bridge necessitates two pilots per ship.  VEENDAM had two pilots and two trainees aboard.

During a passing rainstorm, we saw Regent’s MARINER headed upriver. 

Near sunset we passed the easternmost point of land on the river.  We still had to cross the sandbar, but the Amazon was astern of us.
Our next port of call is Castries, St. Lucia on March 17.

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